Everyone Communicates, Few Connect Mastermind

Connecting is More SKILL Than Natural Talent

Connecting is the ability to identify with people and relate to them in such a way that it increases our influence with them. The ability to connect with others begins with understanding the value of people. There is a direct correlation between achievement and the ability to care for and connect with people. On Monday, July 15th at 7:00 pm EDT, I am officially launching my Everyone Communicates, Few Connect Mastermind where I will reveal how to make every communication an opportunity for a powerful connection.

During this Mastermind Study Group, you will learn and practice how to connect authentically, discover and unlock the 5 Connecting Principles, and understand the best technique for cultivating relationships. John C. Maxwell, an internationally recognized leadership expert, speaker, coach, and author who has sold over 20 million books, says, “Great leaders-- the truly successful ones who are in the top one percent-- all have one thing in common. They know that acquiring and keeping good people is a leader’s most important task. An organization cannot increase its productivity-- but people can!”

Connecting goes beyond words. In fact, more than 90% of the impression that we often convey has nothing to do with what we actually say! When thought, emotion, and action are congruent, connecting goes beyond what we say because we are now expressing what people can feel, and we are connecting with them more than just verbally.

“If you want to succeed, talent isn't enough, education isn't enough, experience isn't enough.... only one thing stands between you and your full potential and that is the ability to connect!” -John Maxwell.

Meet Jaresha Moore Smith, The Host of The Mastermind!

Jaresha Moore Smith, MBA is the Founder/CEO of Empower On Purpose, LLC, coach, speaker and trainer for the Maxwell Leadership Training, a best-selling author, success and empowerment coach with over 20 years of combined experience in education, finance, healthcare, and business management and development. She is also the owner of Envisioned Broadcasting Radio Station and host of “Empower Hour with Jaresha” and Morning's with Jaresha.

Hosted by:

Empower On Purpose

What You Can Expect From This Mastermind!

We’ll mastermind on Everyone Communicates Few Connect by John Maxwell. In this 5-week, in-depth process, you’ll join forces with a unique group of hand-selected, like-minded individuals focused on creating results in every area of their lives. Having the support and ideas of other ambitious people will allow you to gain a new perspective on leadership and adding value to your connection with others.

To get the most from our Mastermind, you'll need to purchase and read Everyone Communicates Few Connect. I promise you'll use this book as a reference guide in the future. You can pick it up at your local bookstore, order through Amazon, or even check it out at your local library.

In addition, we will meet at the same time each week (Monday at 7:00 pm EDT) on a conference line to review the material for that week and to cover what you learned in the chapters from the book that were assigned. These meetings bring to life all the ideas that are circulating in your mind and help lay a foundation for your success.

“Tone, inflection, timing, volume, pacing—everything you do with your voice communicates something and has the potential to help you connect to or disconnect from others when you speak.” -John C. Maxwell

Whatever your vocation or aspiration, cultivating relationships is every bit as important to effective communication as crafting your message. Learn the art of connecting during this unique experience!

Sign Up For My Mastermind Starting On Monday, July 15th at 7:00 pm EDT!